WORDBAS.CRD WordBASIC Help Cardfile (467 cards) This Windows 3.0 Cardfile is derived from TECHREF.DOC which is included on-disk with Word for Windows; it is a handy reference for all of the WordBASIC statements and functions. While it doesn't have the sculptured icons and fancy fonts of Windows 3.0 help files, it works very fast. To quickly find a card, press and the first letter of the term, which will bring you to the first card beginning with that letter. Pressing that key combination again will bring up the next card beginning with that letter (or just press PgDn). I have also included a few WinBatch(*) files to use with Cardfile to quickly toggle between Card View and List View using the Ctrl-Alt-C and Ctrl-Alt-L key combinations respectively. If you are interested in learning more about WordBASIC, there is a free book and disk available from Microsoft called "Using WordBASIC" (co-authored by Guy J. Gallo). Call 1-800-426-9400 and request the Word Binder for the PC, part number 059-050-574. The kit includes an Excel utility for creating custom dialog boxes and a Word for Window conversion macro. WORDBAS.ZIP contains the following files: WORDBAS.CRD The WordBASIC Help Cardfile WORDBAS.TXT This file CARDFILE.WDF WinMacro configuration file for Cardfile CARDVIEW.WBT Switches to Card View (Ctrl-Alt-C) LISTVIEW.WBT Switches to List View (Ctrl-Alt-L) (*) WinBatch (with WinMacro) is a shareware product from Wilson WindowWare. Steve Ahola (73727,3715)